Last update December 03, 2005 (but not necessarily corrected)

Home Our Home Life Horse Stuff Sooke Sailing Assoc Solar and Stuff Links


Search Tools

  1. Yahoo Canada
  2. Yahoo
  3. Champlain: Canadian Government Information Explorer

Top 10...not in any real order

  1. Mufty Mathewson's Book Courage after Coma
  3. A Collection of Goat and Farm Bookmarks
  4. Dale Wiens Real Live Webpage
  5. Dave Moore's Family Homepage
  6. Homeopathic Medicine Home Page
  7. Canadian Geographic Magazine
  8. Dash has a great links page here...

Cable Tv and/or Telecom stuff

  1. Shaw Cable
  2. Videotron Cable

HTML, WebPage design, Internet, etc...

  1. Imagitek Need Backgrounds and Colors?
  2. Web-Counter Home Page
  3. HTML 4 specs
  4. www (w3)
  5. HTML (w3)
  6. Word Processor filters etc
  7. RealAudio Homepage
  8. AVG Free Anti Virus Program
  9. SpyBot and Ad-Aware

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