In July 2010 we relocated to Sooke BC and got a way smaller house. We are renting for a year while we scope out the area and find a place to buy. What a place stay tuned for details.
We lived near Edmonton, on 87 acres for 16 years, we shared the land with two other families. The place we lived in was a 7000 sq. ft. Barn that was converted into a house about 20 Years ago.
To see the Barn we lived in better click on the picture
Here are some pictures of our horse Patrick He is eight years old and a wonderful horse. Patrick pulls logs and helps Harrow the fields. He loves being hooked to a sleigh and a wagon. We also do a lot of trail riding and mountain trips. Next we want to try penning...
We started with one pure Toggenberg, one alpine/togg, and a half Boer cross (all does). We now have some nice Boer, Alpine and Boer cross goats.
Baler Twine Goats To see our goat pics and some great goat links.
We then increased the herd by one Togg/alpine cross and a pure Nubian doe...
*** Update 05/30/03 *** We have kept the herd low 5 does and 10 babies at the moment. We do have 3 sheep and 5 lambs now.
*** Update 10/20/02 *** Due to the outrageous price of hay because of the drought we have only kept our eight favorites. It has been a thrill having up to 40 goats around at a time but we will have to breed back up when hay prices go down. We make some great Goat Cream Cheese and Lis make a wonderful Cheese Cake from that.
*** Update 02/20/00 *** We are at 15 goats mostly Boer and Boer cross. WE have breeding stock and meat goats. Most are pregnant and due starting mid March. should be fun.
*** Update 12/21/98 *** We are back down to 18 does and 1 Young Boer Buck. All the does are pregnant (except the youngsters) and showing already. We have five young does to be bred starting next month...spring should be fun. Five of the does are due in a 24 hour period.
*** Update 5/22/98 *** We had 18 babies from nine does. We had a total of twelve does to start with but three didn't catch. so we now have 30 goats...want to buy one?
The original Does are from the Conception Goat Farm near Onoway Alberta. Christine at the goat farm has many types of goats. From Boers to Alpine... This year she had around 70 kids. It is a wonderful farm to visit. Email me for information on goats milk, Goats for pets, meat goats, chickens, eggs and whatever else you could imagine about a farm. It is all at The Conception Farm...
We also have Two dogs KOBI a lab cross and TOTO our... you guessed it ... little terrier. Kobi our new dog came in as a replacement as our Lab Kato came down with cancer at three years of age ( He is now in puppy heaven ). All the critters seem to be getting along at this point. Even Toto and the chickens.
For a picture of Kenneth and Kato click on the picture
Our house cat Patches has had four lovely white and gray kittens. Three were graciously taken by Noah's Ark Pet store. We kept one kitten it has turned out to be a great cat. I cannot forget to mention Fluffy or is it Fuzzy or Frosty... anyways he is the cat that was here when we moved in (and very thin). Garner a neighbor fattened him up then moved back to the city. He could not keep him at his apt. so we have been looking after Fluffy. He is the father of all four kittens. He left soon before the kittens were born. (What a guy...)
We have tons of Pigeons which bred from a start of three exotic Pigeons one wild pigeon that was injured and wouldn't leave. The wild pigeon and one of our exotic birds then had a family, there were two ugly little birds that turned into pigeons. There are pigeons nesting on our front porch (all the time). We now have 34 +/- chickens. We have decided to go with Egg layers chickens for the eggs etc...
*** update *** we had to get rid of the pigeons, and all our chickens. The chickens got sick and it may have come from the pigeons, if not they would have got sick like the chickens. We had to get rid of all our chickens and disinfect the coop and the ground around it. We now have a new batch of chickens and are getting about 28 eggs a day.
*** update *** we now have 20 pigeons our fancy ones bred with wild ones and we have some pretty neat birds flying around here. For chickens we are going with Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks and Isabrowns. They have larger eggs and bodies and pay for there own food with egg sales.
I will try to update pictures as often as possible.
Also coming soon Pics of the rest of the family, the goats, more about the farm. What the heck we may end up with a whole photo album. E-mail us.